Role Of Each Ingredient

Fructooligosaccharides – Food and protection for Probiotics
Amylase - Starch digestion
Proteases - Protein digestion
Alpha Galactosidase – Breaks down “hard to digest” foods like peanuts, beans, lentils and cruciferous vegetables
Glucoamylase - Acts on starches reducing many common digestive upsets such as heaviness, lethargy, bloating, gas and loose stools
Lactase – Targets milk sugar (lactose)
Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. acidophilus) is the most commonly used probiotic, or "friendly" bacteria. They protect against "bad" bacteria that can cause infections and disease.
Lipase - Digestion of fats
Cellulase - Breaks down plant fibers so that we are able to digest vegetables and benefit from their nutrients. It is important to note that the body does not produce Cellulase.
Bromelain is an enzyme that digests proteins and has amazing anti-inflammatory properties.
Phytase - A key enzyme for bone health. Used for breaking down and increasing the nutritional quality of grains, legumes, and seeds and making calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium available for absorption.
Invertase - Digests processed sugars and plays a key role not only in digestive processes, but also in overall human disease prevention, physical rejuvenation and anti-ageing processes.
Piperine or BioPerine - The most established effect of piperine is its effect on absorption of nutrients from the intestine - "bioenhancement."
Probiotic bacteria, prebiotics and enzymes work hand-in-hand to make up a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract. While good bacteria work to keep colonization of pathogenic bacteria to a minimum and contribute to the breakdown of our food, prebiotics and enzymes are working to nourish our good bacteria. Enzymes chemically digest foods, breaking them down into simple nutrients, which are then readily absorbed by the bacteria. By keeping the bacteria healthy and alive, they are able to multiply and colonize, creating an optimal environment for good digestion, immune function, bowel function and GI tract health.